Pordenone ArtandFood festival meets Opatija Chocolate festival

Sensory tasting of chocolate and spirits
12th November 2023, 15:00 h

Pordenone ArtandFood festival meets Opatija Chocolate festival

Sensory tasting of chocolate and spirits performed by the best Masters from Italian region Friuli-Venezia-Giulia

Hosts: Stefano Venier, Fabrizio Facca and Danilo Freguja

Centre Gervais – 1st floor (Big hall)
Sunday – 15:00 h

Duration: 60 minutes. The number of participants is limited / max 40 participants. Workshop is conducted in italian language with translatioin to croatian.

Reservations to the phone number +385 51 271 310.

2024. Opatija Város Idegenforgalmi Közössége . Minden jog fentartva.

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